An Alternative to USP Residual Ethylene Oxide Testing Using SIFT-MS
This eChalk Talk hosted by AAPS on Oct 16, 2024 discusses an alternative method in development for the quantitation of residual EtO using SIFT-MS which provides real-time results. This method takes a typically two-day protocol for sample preparation and analysis and provides the same quantitative result in under two hours, including blanks and system suitability solutions.

Production Processes at Syft
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Syft Technologies Quarterly Newsletter - September 2024
Read about Syft's latest developments, applications, product releases and events over the past quarter. Learn about our real-time solutions for environmental monitoring, detecting nitrosamines in aqueous solutions, and much more!
SIFT-MS: Ion-Molecule Chemistry Coupled with Mass Spectrometry for Real-World Applications
View the plenary talk given on August 23rd at IMSC 2024 in Melbourne, Australia by Dr. Vaughan Langford entitled, "SIFT-MS: Ion-Molecule Chemistry Coupled with Mass Spectrometry for Real-World Applications." Learn about the history of SIFT-MS and the ion chemistry that makes real-time trace gas analysis possible.
Rapid Classification of Parmesan Using Untargeted SIFT-MS Headspace Analysis
This study demonstrates that automated SIFT-MS analysis, using an untargeted approach, coupled with multivariate statistical analysis, can rapidly analyze and classify genuine Parmesan cheese products both individually and by manufacturer. The combined instrumental and statistical approach determines factory of origin with a throughput of 12 samples per hour.
SyftEnviro Environmental Monitoring Software: A comprehensive solution for visualizing environmental monitoring data
SyftEnviro software provides a comprehensive interface for collecting, mapping, and analyzing data from SIFT-MS real-time mobile monitoring campaigns. Quantitative SIFT-MS data can be geospatially mapped while on the move in a mobile lab. SyftEnviro integrates environmental data into a single user-friendly interface that includes modules for data visualization, instrument control, and status updates. Watch this brief video for a preview.
SyftEnviro Brochure
SyftEnviro environmental monitoring software is a comprehensive solution for visualizing SIFT-MS data collected during mobile monitoring campaigns. It provides a complete interface for collecting, mapping, and analyzing environmental data. It allows you to identify emissions sources with confidence and take immediate corrective action.
Real-Time Measurement of EPA Regulated HON Compounds and Environmental Pollutants Using SIFT-MS
Method detection limits (MDLs) have been determined for the newly regulated HON (Hazardous Organic NESHAP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants)) compounds, which validate selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) as an effective solution for measuring these toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other environmental pollutants in ambient air, whether at the fenceline or in a mobile setting. SIFT-MS offers unparalleled speed, sensitivity and ease of use for environmental monitoring applications.
Real-Time Analysis of Volatile Emissions by Coupling SIFT-MS with Thermogravimetric Analysis
The production of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) by thermal-based manufacturing methods such as hot-melt extrusion (HME) shows remarkable success at increasing the efficacy of poorly-soluble drugs. This work presents a novel approach by coupling selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) with thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) for real-time monitoring of volatile compounds released during exposure to heat. This combination of techniques has enabled the identification and quantification of trace volatiles at much lower temperatures than has been previously possible.
Rapid Parmesan Classification Using Automated Static Headspace-SIFT-MS
Automated, direct headspace analysis using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) provides rapid and economic screening of food products and ingredients. This application note describes how SIFT-MS coupled with multivariate statistical analysis rapidly classifies genuine Italian Parmesan cheeses by product and manufacturer via the most important odor impact compounds.
An Analytical Chemistry Research Fellow Shares His Experience with SIFT-MS
We asked Geraint Morgan, Research Fellow at The Open University, about his experience using SIFT-MS. He discusses how his Syft Tracer has opened up new ways of looking at samples that are difficult to analyze by traditional methods such as formaldehyde and other aldehydes.