Volatile Compounds Quantitative Analysis Using Automated SIFT-MS with Multicomponent Gas Standard
This publication reviews best practices for quantitating volatile compounds in a wide range of applications using a multicomponent gas standard. Details of the approach to calculating concentrations from ion−molecule reaction kinetics based on reaction times and instrument calibration functions determined from known concentrations in the gas standard mix are discussed.
VOC Pollution Monitoring in South Korea
This publication reviews VOC pollutant monitoring applications of SIFT-MS in South Korea. SIFT-MS has been applied to emission source characterization, fenceline monitoring, ambient monitoring, pollution mapping, and incident response (including the use of drone-based sampling) for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), odor nuisance species, and compounds that have high ozone formation potential (OFP) and/or contribute to secondary aerosol (SOA) formation.
SIFT-MS: Real-Time Volatiles Analysis for Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals
Watch this on-demand webinar featuring Mark Perkins (Element), Professor Chris Price (CMAC, University of Strathclyde) and Aaron Smith (CMAC, University of Strathclyde) to learn how SIFT-MS provides real-time analysis of volatile impurities when determining solvent drying end points, volatile degradation products, or volatile impurities during hot melt extrusion.
Faster Quantitative Analysis of Volatile Impurities Using MHE-SIFT-MS
In this application note, enhanced MHE workflows are demonstrated using styrene, formaldehyde, and NDMA analyses in polystyrene polymer, Gelucire excipient, and ranitidine drug products, respectively. Reduced calibration frequency in routine analysis enables significant workflow benefits to be realized, including four-fold faster time to first result for quantitative analysis of condensed-phase samples. Over 220 samples per day can be analyzed quantitatively for diverse volatile impurities using the enhanced MHE-SIFT-MS workflow.
High Throughput SIFT-MS Quantitative Analysis: Beer Analysis Using the Method of Standard Additions
Read the application note, "High Throughput SIFT-MS Quantitative Analysis of Beer Using the Method of Standard Additions," to learn how automated headspace-SIFT-MS quantitatively analyzes VOCs in beer with throughput of 12 samples / hr and time to first result that is >2X faster than chromatographic methods.
Rapid Analysis of Residual Solvents and Volatile Impurities for High-Throughput CDMO Workflows
In this webinar, we introduce our new compliant real-time mass spectrometer solution, Syft Tracer Pharm11. A single instrument is capable of running up to 220 samples per day, and multiple methods and analyses can be performed in sequence. The direct headspace-SIFT-MS instrument is chromatography-free, and therefore the need for multiple columns and instrument downtime between methods does not exist. We will highlight several common CDMO tests that have been performed and validated using headspace SIFT-MS, including residual solvents, ethylene oxide, nitrosamines and other extractables & leachables.
Quantitative Impurities Analysis of Consumer Products Using SIFT-MS
This webinar features David Light of Valisure and includes case studies that demonstrate how SIFT-MS provides faster and more accurate analysis of volatile impurities in consumer products. Learn how benzene has been detected in commercial products like dry shampoo and sunscreens.
SIFT-MS Analysis of Benzene in Sunscreens and VOC Exposure
This application note summarizes the SIFT-MS results obtained in a study of exposure to VOCs from 26 retail sunscreen products – both VOCs intended as ingredients and those present as contaminants. The commercial products varied widely in VOC content and hence user exposure. Several products contained benzene contamination that was readily quantified using dynamic headspace-SIFT-MS analysis.
Odor Analysis at Gelatin Factory Using SIFT-MS
In this application note, the SIFT-MS is evaluated for odor analysis at a gelatin factory, together with benchmarking of the effectiveness of an ultraviolet (UV) photolysis technology used for odor mitigation. SIFT-MS is very effective in both applications. The high-sensitivity, direct analysis eliminates preconcentration, derivatization, and the need for analysis on multiple chromatographic columns that complicate odor analysis in gas and liquid chromatography methods.
Untargeted Beer Analysis Using SIFT-MS
Automated, direct headspace analysis using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) provides rapid and economic screening of food products, ingredients, and packaging materials. This application note describes how SIFT-MS coupled with multivariate statistical analysis provides rapid beer analysis via an untargeted “fingerprinting” approach (i.e. utilizing SIFT-MS SCAN mode). Automated headspace-SIFT-MS analysis can classify beer at throughputs of 12 samples per hour, offering great potential for rapid product screening.
Residual Solvent Analysis: Optimization for DMI Solvent
DMI is a very promising non-aqueous solvent because it can be used even without subsequent dilution in water. Using a subset of residual solvents, this study confirms that moderately polar volatiles yield headspace responses that are independent of the volume of sample used. This means that cost and environmental impact can be reduced. Furthermore, with SIFT-MS this optimization can be carried out very rapidly due to direct sample analysis and high sample throughput.