Syft Application Talks #11. Design Requirement for Breath Clinical Studies

Design Requirement for Breath Clinical Studies

Prof. George Hanna, Head of Department of Cancer and Surgery, Imperial College London, UK.

SIFT-MS’s high-throughput analysis of breath (whether directly, from sampling bags, or from thermal desorption tubes) means that it is an ideal tool for breath research. In this presentation, Professor Hanna summarizes what he and his research team have implemented in terms of best practices based on years of breath research. It provides an invaluable “head start” to those considering embarking on breath research for the first time, or for those who want to “up their current game”!

Professor Hanna is head of the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College and Consultant Upper Gastro-intestinal surgeon at Imperial College NHS Trust. His clinical work is based at Hammersmith Hospital and includes esophageal and gastric cancer and advanced laparoscopic surgery. Professor Hanna leads NIHR program in the UK for point of care diagnostics in cancer and gastrointestinal diseases (NIHR London IVD). The current interests of his laboratory revolve around volatile organic compounds analysis for biomarker discovery and understanding the molecular drivers of volatile compounds in an attempt to develop non-invasive breath test to diagnose gastrointestinal cancers. His educational research aims to develop competency assessment tools for training and quality assurance of surgical performance in randomized controlled trials.