Ambient Monitoring
Regulatory requirements for air quality monitoring and compliance are becoming increasingly stringent. Syft has the expertise and instruments to enable your compliance with the highest regulatory standards.
Simple and continuous monitoring of trace VOCs in ambient air
VOCs formed by human activities are significant pollutants that are often directly hazardous to human health and contribute to secondary effects such as ozone production in photochemical smog. The SIFT-MS technique provides rapid, high-sensitivity analysis of VOCs and inorganic gases at ambient levels, with no sample preparation and no discrimination against polar, thermally labile and reactive species. SIFT-MS can be used in mobile applications to collect pollutant data as shown in this figure. SIFT-MS can also be utilized in the lab for high-throughput off-line analysis of ambient samples collected in thermal desorption tubes or in canisters. This automated configuration provides faster cleaning validation of sampling devices before reuse, compared to conventional methods based on gas chromatography.

Ambient Monitoring benefits

Real-time analysis provides instant feedback on pollution events

Lab-based analysis from thermal desorption tubes and canisters

24/7 operation with minimal downtime (<1% downtime for validation)

High sensitivity and wide linear range (pptV to ppmV)

Single, selective analysis of chemically diverse compounds
Ambient Monitoring resources
Real-Time Ambient Air Monitoring Campaigns Using SIFT-MS
The high-speed analysis provided by SIFT-MS makes it ideally suited to continuous monitoring of ambient VOCs. The SIFT-MS solution provides a robust, easily deployed and operated package for sensitive, quantitative real-time monitoring of a diverse range of VOCs and inorganic gases.

Simple Determination of Formaldehyde Adsorption by Merino Wool Using SIFT-MS
This study demonstrates the ease with which construction materials can be evaluated for their formaldehyde adsorption efficacy, by utilizing direct analysis with selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS). With this approach, merino wool is shown to be extremely effective in adsorbing formaldehyde from air.
Continuous, Selective, And Robust Fenceline Monitoring
The selective, sensitive, rapid, and robust analysis provided by SIFT-MS makes it uniquely suited to outdoor air quality monitoring. SIFT-MS enables potential environmental incidents to be detected, identified, and remedied quickly, before they escalate to social or regulatory issues.
Environmental Solutions Utilizing SIFT-MS
SIFT-MS provides unique capabilities for environmental applications including ambient air measurement, mobile monitoring, emissions detection, and odor assessment. Its real-time detection of VOCs and inorganic compounds is highly sensitive, selective, chromatography-free, and easy to use.

Chloramine Analysis, Using SIFT-MS
Exposure to chloramines is a recognized health hazard in the home, recreation centers, and the workplace. SIFT-MS easily resolves all chloramines and chlorine and provides results in real-time. Learn more about how to protect the indoor air safety of your environment.

Enhanced Environmental Monitoring 3
This webinar describes how SIFT-MS is readily applied to the demanding requirements of real-time ambient air monitoring applications.
Air quality applications discussed in the webcast are:
- Routine ambient air quality monitoring
- Autonomous air monitoring in the field (a case study from China comparing SIFT-MS air quality monitoring with GC-FID)
- Eddy covariance measurements
SIFT-MS Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry
Learn about direct mass spectrometry by SIFT-MS which provides real-time, quantitative analysis of volatile compounds with trace-level sensitivity. There are also no requirements of chromatography, pre-concentration, or sample prep! SIFT-MS is easy to use and interpret data.
High-Throughput Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Air, Water, and Soil Using SIFT-MS
In this application note, we demonstrate high-throughput analysis of BTEX compounds in air, water and soil. We demonstrate how SIFT-MS enables excellent differentiation of the ethylbenzene isomer from the xylene isomers using known O2+ reagent ion chemistry for both air and water. This approach can be applied in real-time and in high throughput applications.

Odor Characterization at a Gelatin Factory Using SIFT-MS
In this application note, SIFT-MS is evaluated for odor source characterization at a gelatin factory, together with benchmarking of the effectiveness of an ultraviolet (UV) photolysis technology used for odor mitigation. SIFT-MS is very effective in both applications due to its wide dynamic range, trace-level sensitivity, real-time detection, and lack of requirement for sample prep or pre-concentration.

What’s in Your Fab Air?
SIFT-MS provides online AMC monitoring solutions for Fab environmental control. Detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and inorganic acids instantly with trace level sensitivity. Learn how SIFT-MS provides real-time detection of airborne molecular contaminants through a single instrument solution. Never miss a contamination event again.
Rapid Analysis of BTEX Using Thermal Desorption-SIFT-MS
The combination of SIFT-MS and a GERSTEL autosampler provides automated analysis of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and the xylenes (BTEX) sampled from ambient air using thermal desorption tubes. This application note demonstrates the repeatability and sensitivity possible with automated thermal desorption (TD)-SIFT-MS. Automated TD-SIFT-MS provides sample throughput >3 three-fold higher than conventional TD-gas chromatography methods.
A Sensory Expert Shares His Experience with SIFT-MS
We asked Mike McGinley, President, St. Croix Sensory, Inc. about his experience using SIFT-MS. Hear what he had to say about the speed of analysis and flexibility inherent to Syft's product solutions.

Real-time Ethylene Oxide and Fence Line Monitoring Using SIFT-MS
Selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) is a revolutionary direct mass spectrometric technology for continuous, sensitive, selective, and robust analysis of diverse chemical species in air. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) — such as benzene, ammonia, and formaldehyde — and inorganic gases such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are detected simultaneously and continuously in real time. Watch the webinar to discover why SIFT-MS is well suited to air quality monitoring both in a mobile deployment scenario and for fence line monitoring.
Syft Tracer: The Next Generation of Volatile Impurities Analysis for Enhanced Workflows
This app note introduces the next generation of SIFT-MS, Syft TracerTM, which launched at Pittcon 2023. It revolutionizes volatile impurities analysis workflows through unparalleled speed, performance stability, and reproducibility. Learn about how this innovation to real-time trace gas detection outpaces chromatography-based methods in the analysis of challenging analytes such as formaldehyde in a PEG excipient.
High-Throughput Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Air, Water, and Soil Using SIFT-MS
This study demonstrates high-throughput analysis of BTEX compounds from several matrices (air, water and soil). Detection limits in the single-digit part-per-billion concentration range (by volume) are readily achievable within seconds using SIFT-MS, because sample analysis is achieved without chromatography, pre-concentration, or drying. We also present a calibration approach that enables speciation of ethylbenzene from the xylenes in real time.
Real-Time Monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air Using Direct Injection Mass Spectrometry
In this article, the results of a DIMS air monitoring campaign in Auckland, New Zealand, are described. Real-time SIFT–MS measurements were obtained at three sites over a period of several weeks each. At each site, SIFT–MS provided effective on-site analysis to sub-ppbV levels with better than 1-min time resolution.
VOC Pollution Monitoring in South Korea
This publication reviews VOC pollutant monitoring applications of SIFT-MS in South Korea. SIFT-MS has been applied to emission source characterization, fenceline monitoring, ambient monitoring, pollution mapping, and incident response (including the use of drone-based sampling) for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), odor nuisance species, and compounds that have high ozone formation potential (OFP) and/or contribute to secondary aerosol (SOA) formation.
Next-Generation Workflows for Environmental Monitoring and Food Safety using SIFT-MS
This talk showcases environmental and food safety applications where SIFT-MS overcomes limitations of traditional chromatographic approaches resulting in faster time to data, significantly higher throughput, and more accurate determination of product and environmental contaminants. Mobile and fenceline environmental use cases from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China, and Korea are presented.
Real-Time Analysis of Volatile PFAS Compounds in Ambient Air
This presentation from Dr. Leslie Silva at Pittcon 2024 describes preliminary work that demonstrates the ability of SIFT-MS to analyze volatile PFAS compounds in real-time. The use of negative reagent ions gives SIFT-MS a distinct selectivity advantage over competing technologies and legacy chromatographic methods.
What's in Your Air? Protecting the Environment and People with SIFT-MS
In this presentation from Analytica 2024, Marino Beenhakker and Dr. David Muller describe environmental and consumer product applications of next-gen SIFT-MS including ambient air monitoring in New Zealand and PFAS measurement in consumer goods.
Taking Real-Time Mass Spec on the Go
Syft Explorer is a comprehensive solution for making real-time mass spec measurements anywhere on-site. It includes next-gen SIFT-MS, onboard clean dry air, and automatic power management bundled in a mobile format. Never miss a contamination event again!
Real-Time Measurement of EPA Regulated HON Compounds and Environmental Pollutants Using SIFT-MS
Method detection limits (MDLs) have been determined for the newly regulated HON (Hazardous Organic NESHAP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants)) compounds, which validate selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) as an effective solution for measuring these toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other environmental pollutants in ambient air, whether at the fenceline or in a mobile setting. SIFT-MS offers unparalleled speed, sensitivity and ease of use for environmental monitoring applications.
SyftEnviro Brochure
SyftEnviro environmental monitoring software is a comprehensive solution for visualizing SIFT-MS data collected during mobile monitoring campaigns. It provides a complete interface for collecting, mapping, and analyzing environmental data. It allows you to identify emissions sources with confidence and take immediate corrective action.
SyftEnviro Environmental Monitoring Software: A comprehensive solution for visualizing environmental monitoring data
SyftEnviro software provides a comprehensive interface for collecting, mapping, and analyzing data from SIFT-MS real-time mobile monitoring campaigns. Quantitative SIFT-MS data can be geospatially mapped while on the move in a mobile lab. SyftEnviro integrates environmental data into a single user-friendly interface that includes modules for data visualization, instrument control, and status updates. Watch this brief video for a preview.
SIFT-MS: Ion-Molecule Chemistry Coupled with Mass Spectrometry for Real-World Applications
View the plenary talk given on August 23rd at IMSC 2024 in Melbourne, Australia by Dr. Vaughan Langford entitled, "SIFT-MS: Ion-Molecule Chemistry Coupled with Mass Spectrometry for Real-World Applications." Learn about the history of SIFT-MS and the ion chemistry that makes real-time trace gas analysis possible.
Syft Technologies Quarterly Newsletter - September 2024
Read about Syft's latest developments, applications, product releases and events over the past quarter. Learn about our real-time solutions for environmental monitoring, detecting nitrosamines in aqueous solutions, and much more!