Fast and Simple: Quantifying Formaldehyde Adsorption by Merino Wools
Dr Vaughan Langford, Principal Scientist – Applications, Syft Technologies, New Zealand
Formaldehyde is classified as a known human carcinogen, but is ubiquitous in the modern built environment due to outgassing from a wide variety of construction materials. One approach to reducing chronic exposure in homes and workplaces involves utilization of furnishings and filters that adsorb formaldehyde. Wool, because it is composed of diverse proteins and lipids, can bind airborne pollutants such as formaldehyde. This Syft App Talk describes how the SIFT-MS technique makes determination of formaldehyde adsorption by materials, such as wool, rapid and simple. This event also features a live Q&A.
Dr Vaughan Langford joined Syft Technologies in 2002 after completing his PhD in Physical Chemistry at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and post-doctoral fellowships at the Universities of Geneva, Western Australia, and Canterbury. With an extensive background in wide applications of the SIFT-MS analytical technique, he provides advanced applications support to SIFT-MS users globally.