Time-Resolved Thermal Extraction of Volatiles from Plastic Materials using TD-SIFT-MS
Dr Christopher Pfaff, Syft Technologies, Germany
In recent years, the drive towards safer and more environmentally-friendly products has increased the challenges faced in raw material processing for manufacturers in the automotive, packaging, medical device and consumer products industries. SIFT-MS is a fast, reliable technique for measurement of volatiles from materials during processing or in finished products. This capability has now been further expanded through the most recent collaborative effort with GERSTEL, with the development of automated thermal desorption (TD)-SIFT-MS.
In this presentation, examples of real-time thermal extraction and analysis of various plastic materials using TD-SIFT-MS are demonstrated, and its application to product development and processing environments are discussed. Direct, continuous analysis of formaldehyde from polyoxymethylene (POM) is of particular significance. Dr Christopher Pfaff provides technical and applications support from Syft’s European office in Darmstadt, Germany. Dr Pfaff completed his PhD in organic chemistry in Germany in 2018 and joined Syft shortly thereafter.