Direct mass spectrometry (direct MS) facilitates faster method development and validation, plus it provides high throughput for routine analysis. But using SIFT-MS, the leading automated direct mass spectrometry technique, to analyze volatile compounds has an additional benefit: greatly simplified analysis of important chromatographically challenging volatiles. These include species such as formaldehyde, volatile fatty acids, organosulfur compounds (such as hydrogen sulfide), amines and ammonia. Straightforward analysis without requiring derivatization, drying steps, or the selection of special columns, detectors or analysis conditions, is a direct result of the soft chemical ionization used in SIFT-MS.
This final webcast (of a series of four) on routine SIFT-MS analysis focuses on case studies that demonstrate simple analysis of chromatographically challenging compounds. Formaldehyde receives special attention, as it is important across a wide range of industries (from environmental to pharmaceutical testing). The formaldehyde case study also includes validation of an unconventional analytical method in compliance with ICH Q2(R1) guidelines for regulatory submission.
Key learning objectives:
- Very brief introduction to SIFT-MS and its automation for those who missed Parts 1 to 3
- Why some volatiles are so challenging to analyze with conventional lab methods
- Case studies illustrating how SIFT-MS overcomes these challenges, covering: formaldehyde, volatile fatty acids, hydrogen sulfide and organosulfur compounds, ammonia and amines, nitrosamines, siloxanes