Acid Gas Analysis

2 years ago

SIFT-MS now provides a complete solution for stack and ambient monitoring scenarios involving acid gas analysis.

Acid gases are emitted from diverse industrial sources and are harmful to humans and the environment. Traditionally, detection has involved specialized technologies that cannot comprehensively monitor emissions. Other pollutants, such as VOCs, are either not quantified or multiple technologies must be employed.

Syft Technologies’ introduces a breakthrough in stack and ambient gas analysis, with SIFT-MS now detecting acid gases that were previously inaccessible to direct MS techniques. This provides an all-in-one solution for acid gas monitoring.

Traditionally SIFT-MS has used positive reagent ions (H3O+, NO+ and O2+), which are more suitable for detecting VOCs than inorganic gases. Recent innovation has added four negatively charged reagent ions: O-, O2-, OH- and NO2-. The additional ionization mechanisms provided by the new ions have enabled previously inaccessible gases – such as hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and sulfur dioxide – to be analyzed.

Instrument detection limits are in the part-per-trillion concentration range (by volume), which is ideal for ambient monitoring. Stack gas analysis is easily accommodated via in-line sample dilution.

This advance means that SIFT-MS now provides a complete solution for stack and ambient monitoring scenarios involving acid gases and VOCs.


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Lalit Rane Bsc IT
Marketing Manager
