Part 7: SIFT-MS Application FAQs and Open Q&A

In this webinar, we conclude our seven-episode series, which outlines the diverse applications of the SIFT-MS technique. In this final episode, our series presenter and expert in SIFT-MS applications, Dr Vaughan Langford, goes through frequently asked questions about SIFT-MS applications and holds a question and answer session.

SIFT-MS is a direct mass spectrometry (DMS) technique that utilizes ultra-soft chemical ionization (USCI) to provide continuous sample analysis with class-leading sensitivity (to parts-per-trillion by volume; pptV) and selectivity. It is unique among DMS techniques, as it allows rapid switching between chemical ionization agents. The excellent selectivity of SIFT-MS enables comprehensive detection of VOCs and inorganic gases, with the ability to quantify multiple analytes simultaneously. This unique combination of attributes makes SIFT-MS an excellent choice for a diverse range of applications.

In this webinar, we cover the following:

  • Reflecting on the wide range of applications accessible using SIFT-MS
  • Answering some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to applying SIFT-MS
  • Responding to audience questions