Online Demonstration: SIFT-MS Compound ID

In this online workshop, Applications Scientist Thomas McKellar will demonstrate the data analysis and post-processing capabilities of Syft Technologies’ LabSyft software package. The Compound Identifier tool will be used to identify a compound in a simple mass spectrum.

The LabSyft Method Editor has a feature that allows historic data to be reprocessed and reanalysed. The power of this tool will be showcased by reanalysing mass scan results to see time series of analyte concentrations, even though the methods used to collect the data did not account for the presence of these analytes.

This workshop will be targeted towards viewers who already have an understanding of the fundamentals of the SIFT-MS analytical technique and who want some exposure to these advanced capabilities of LabSyft.

Attendees can learn:

  • Basic use of the LabSyft Compound Identifier in a simple matrix
  • Basic mass scan post-processing with the LabSyft Method Editor
  • How to extract corrected results from SIM data collected with an uncalibrated or otherwise incorrect method