Pharmaceutical Applications
SIFT-MS represents a major breakthrough for the pharmaceutical industry due to its ability to comprehensively analyze diverse VOCs and inorganic gas impurities with very high sample throughput. It quantifies VOCs directly in real-time to sub-part-per-billion (ppb) concentrations, so that product issues are detected earlier and resolved immediately, delivering economic benefits to all stakeholders.

Enhanced Environmental Monitoring 1: Fenceline and Odor Applications
This webinar describes continuous environmental monitoring applications and presents a variety of case studies, including:
- Fenceline monitoring
- Real-time stack gas analysis
- Odor characterization at the source
- Continuous odor monitoring

Sensory Analysis of Wastewater Odor with SIFT-MS
This webinar discusses chemical and sensory-like analysis of wastewater treatment by SIFT-MS. After introducing sensory and instrumental analysis of odor, it covers a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) case study in detail, critiquing both instrumental and sensory methods available to this market.

Measure Ethylene OxIde In Real-Time
Syft offers a robust, field-deployable solution utilizing state-of-the-art SIFT-MS technology. Multiple, rapidly switching reagent ions provide high selectivity, allowing for targeting of specific targets such as the epoxide ring of ethylene oxide or the aldehyde group of acetaldehyde.

Enhanced Environmental Monitoring 3
This webinar describes how SIFT-MS is readily applied to the demanding requirements of real-time ambient air monitoring applications.
Air quality applications discussed in the webcast are:
- Routine ambient air quality monitoring
- Autonomous air monitoring in the field (a case study from China comparing SIFT-MS air quality monitoring with GC-FID)
- Eddy covariance measurements

Chloramine Analysis, Using SIFT-MS
Exposure to chloramines is a recognized health hazard in the home, recreation centers, and the workplace. SIFT-MS easily resolves all chloramines and chlorine and provides results in real-time. Learn more about how to protect the indoor air safety of your environment.
Environmental Solutions Utilizing SIFT-MS
SIFT-MS provides unique capabilities for environmental applications including ambient air measurement, mobile monitoring, emissions detection, and odor assessment. Its real-time detection of VOCs and inorganic compounds is highly sensitive, selective, chromatography-free, and easy to use.
Continuous, Selective, And Robust Fenceline Monitoring
The selective, sensitive, rapid, and robust analysis provided by SIFT-MS makes it uniquely suited to outdoor air quality monitoring. SIFT-MS enables potential environmental incidents to be detected, identified, and remedied quickly, before they escalate to social or regulatory issues.

Simple Determination of Formaldehyde Adsorption by Merino Wool Using SIFT-MS
This study demonstrates the ease with which construction materials can be evaluated for their formaldehyde adsorption efficacy, by utilizing direct analysis with selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS). With this approach, merino wool is shown to be extremely effective in adsorbing formaldehyde from air.
Real-Time Ambient Air Monitoring Campaigns Using SIFT-MS
The high-speed analysis provided by SIFT-MS makes it ideally suited to continuous monitoring of ambient VOCs. The SIFT-MS solution provides a robust, easily deployed and operated package for sensitive, quantitative real-time monitoring of a diverse range of VOCs and inorganic gases.

Syft Air Analysis
SIFT-MS easily detects toxic volatile compounds in container air space such as fumigants and TICs. Trace volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are detected in real-time, keeping shipping container workers safe. Learn about how SIFT-MS is used in the detection of fumigants, TIC, and contraband.