Semiconductor Cleanroom Monitoring

What's in your fab air? Detect production-critical compounds simultaneously and continuously.  Airborne molecular contaminants can be monitored in real-time using a SIFT-MS trace gas analyzer.  VOC detection and inorganic acid identification are performed more easily and rapidly than any other existing technology. 

The broadest range of high sensitivity AMC detection by a single instrument

Successful fabrication of semiconductors, photovoltaics and LCD/LED panels requires extremely high-precision manufacturing equipment, operated in an ultra-clean environment. Volatile or semi-volatile contaminants in the production environment can degrade semiconductor performance and/or greatly shorten expensive maintenance cycles or operational service of fabrication equipment. SIFT-MS technology provides rapid, high-sensitivity analysis of the widest range of airborne molecular contaminants (AMCs) available to the semiconductor industry, greatly reducing product loss and equipment failure. 

Benefits of SIFT-MS for Cleanroom Monitoring

A single instrument to monitor for a broad range of chemically diverse AMCs

Simple integration with existing sample delivery infrastructure (single or multiple point)

24/7 operation with minimal downtime (<1% downtime for validation)

High selectivity and sensitivity (detection limits in pptV range)

Real-time AMC monitoring provides instant feedback on contamination events

Sample Customers

Cleanroom Monitoring resources

Application Note

Semiconductor FOUP Screening

The broad-spectrum and high-throughput analysis provided by SIFT-MS, coupled with high sensitivity and selectivity provides simple, real-time analysis of volatile emissions from front-opening unified pods (FOUPs) and components.

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Application Note

Semiconductor AMC Monitoring

The unique attributes of SIFT-MS enable the speciation and quantitation of volatile compounds in real-time, providing a single solution for online monitoring of clean room relevant organic and inorganic airborne molecular contaminants (AMCs) down to parts-per-trillion by volume (pptv) levels in semiconductor fabs.  Learn how to detect AMCs when they happen and never miss a contamination event again.

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Cleanroom Air Quality Monitoring

SIFT-MS is a unique analytical solution that provides comprehensive, high-sensitivity detection of volatile organic and inorganic gases (including HCl, HF, and SOx) within seconds. As a single, comprehensive instrument with rapid analysis, SIFT-MS provides great economic benefit. This webinar describes the application of SIFT-MS to AMC monitoring – from the front-opening unified pod (FOUP) to the clean room.

Application Note

Semiconductor Bulk Gas Analysis

Real-time monitoring of gas streams using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) provides continuous product quality feedback. This application note describes how SIFT-MS SCAN analysis coupled with multivariate statistical analysis readily detects untargeted defects in semiconductor manufacturing “bulk gas.”

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SIFT-MS Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry

Learn about direct mass spectrometry by SIFT-MS which provides real-time, quantitative analysis of volatile compounds with trace-level sensitivity.  There are also no requirements of chromatography, pre-concentration, or sample prep!  SIFT-MS is easy to use and interpret data. 


What’s in Your Fab Air?

SIFT-MS provides online AMC monitoring solutions for Fab environmental control.  Detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and inorganic acids instantly with trace level sensitivity. Learn how SIFT-MS provides real-time detection of airborne molecular contaminants through a single instrument solution.  Never miss a contamination event again.


Taking Real-Time Mass Spec on the Go

Syft Explorer is a comprehensive solution for making real-time mass spec measurements anywhere on-site.  It includes next-gen SIFT-MS, onboard clean dry air, and automatic power management bundled in a mobile format.  Never miss a contamination event again!
