High-Throughput Food Aroma Analysis Webinar

Aromas are chemically very diverse, impart a wide range of favorable and unfavorable sensations to the human nose and have a wide range of sensory thresholds. Conventional analytical technologies (e.g. based on gas chromatography) lack the time resolution, responsiveness and comprehensiveness of analysis required to provide rapid feedback for product developers, quality managers and process-line operations.

SIFT-MS is a revolutionary direct analysis technology for fast, sensitive, selective and robust analysis of aroma compounds in air and headspace at trace levels. SIFT-MS analysis is robust to humidity, so can be applied in diverse high-throughput food analysis applications, from sensory and R&D laboratories, right through to process-line QA.

In this webinar, we introduce the SIFT-MS technique and its automation, and present a variety of automated food and aroma applications, including:

  • Varietal and origin authentication
  • Objective sensory screening
  • Packaging testing
  • Process quality assurance applications