Food and Flavor Analysis Using SIFT-MS: An Introductory Webinar

Food flavors are chemically very diverse. They impart a great number of favorable and unfavorable sensations to the human nose and have a wide range of sensory thresholds. Conventional analytical technologies (e.g. gas chromatography) lack the time resolution, responsiveness and comprehensiveness of analysis required to provide rapid feedback to product developers or process-line managers.

SIFT-MS is a revolutionary direct analysis technology for fast, sensitive, selective and robust analysis of flavor compounds in air or headspace at trace levels. SIFT-MS analysis is robust to humidity, so is suitable for diverse applications, from the process line right through to in vivo flavor release in the R&D laboratory.

In this webinar, we introduce the SIFT-MS technique and a variety of food and flavor applications, including:

• Headspace and in vivo flavor analysis

• Process monitoring

• Sensory screening

• Packaging testing